Garden charges vary depending on eligiblity , please note subscriber keys are not currently avaialable.GARDEN COMMITTEE MEMBERS
Residents of Earls Court Square (the Garden Committee members who under the Kensington Improvement Act have exclusive rights of use of the garden) are liable to pay the Garden Charge/Precept. The Garden Precept is proposed and voted for at the Garden Committee AGM, the approved budget must then be approved by the council. The Precept is paid by the council and then recouped from those properties liable to pay the charge by RBKC as part of the council tax. Please note the amount payable by household varies according the number of exempt properties(see below) and individual property Council Tax Band.
It was agreed in the Committee AGM on 15th January 2025 that the Garden Levy would be increased to £35,000 for the coming year (2024: £26,250, 2023: 25,000). Please see RBKC's website where charges are detailed.
The complete list of categories of Council Tax exempt properties is:
• The fee for the first year is currently £285 made up of the annual fee of £225 p.a. plus administration fee of £60. The key fobs run annually from April 1st to March 31st.• For those applying after October 1st, half fees will be charged i.e. £112.50, plus an administration fee of £60 giving a total of £172.50.
• There is no automatic right to renew a subscription. Currently the Garden Committee encourages renewals.
• Existing subscribers will be sent an email invitation in March to renew their subscription by 31st March. Renewals cannot be processed prior. As of 2024 we require renewals to confirm their continued eligibility by re-submitting their photo ID and new council tax bill for the next financial year. For example, those renewing in March 2024 for the subscription period April 2024-March 2025 would need to submit their council tax bill for the period April 2024 to March 2025. This can be done using the online application form.
• Failure to renew by 31st March will cancel subscriber status and lead to key fob de-activation.
• Subscription fees may be revised annually.